Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a reliable and effective solution for individuals who have one or more missing teeth in a row. This fixed dental restoration plays a pivotal role in restoring your smile’s functionality and appearance.

A dental bridge is composed of two essential components: the artificial tooth or teeth (pontics) that replace the missing ones and the dental crowns that anchor the bridge in place. These dental crowns are custom-made to match your natural teeth and are securely placed on the adjacent teeth or dental implants, ensuring stability and preventing any shifting or loosening of the restoration.

The benefits of dental bridges include:

  • Restoring normal speaking, eating and chewing functions.
  • Distributing bite stress evenly across adjacent teeth.
  • Enhancing facial shape and volume, which can be affected by tooth loss.
  • Replacing removable partial dentures, providing a more comfortable and fixed solution.
  • Preventing adjacent natural teeth from drifting out of their proper positions.
  • Improving the overall appearance of your smile.

The process of getting a dental bridge typically involves just two visits to Hopyard Dental Care, making it a convenient and efficient solution. Moreover, dental bridges are known for their durability and can last for many years, ensuring the long-term health and aesthetics of your smile.

To determine if a custom dental bridge in Pleasanton, California, is the right choice for your specific needs, we encourage you to call us at 925-462-6367 and schedule an appointment with our experienced dentist, Dr. Reggie Hom. We are here to answer your questions and help you achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile. Contact us today to learn more!